Fall, mountains.
Just don’t fall on me.
—Jimi Hendrix

Call Me Fame.

A builder. A programmer. A petal from a steel magnolia. Once mapped the maze of twisty little passages all alike. Likes to say today's the tomorrow you should have feared yesterday.

Fame, EpoHero #385

By day I manage technology teams for a Chicago fintech. I feel people and teams function best as they move from fully-managed to self-directed but they cannot be moved down that path artificially. I have always had an interest in human organization which, combined with technology and finance, led me to a crypto hobby.

I spend a lot of time in Splinterlands. Splinterlands is on an off-beat, quirky blockchain called Hive. It is a collectible card game similar to Magic: The Gathering or Pokémon. Splinterlands has figured things out nobody else has at scale. There are five leagues and I usually tetter between the lowest tier of the highest league (Champion 3) or the highest tier of the second league (Diamond 1).

On Ethereum I have a personal NFT collection and belong to CrisisDAO which has a cooler collection of NFTs, most notably Dale the Ape. My daughter got me into Minecraft so I have a lot of interest in blockchain projects participating in the Minecraft "NFT Worlds" ecosystem, in particular MUSE dao.

I can cook, sew, and fly a kite. I have a life and job outside the internet.